Ill JUiNU AJMJ JLJdLJCj MRS, BOYLE. Wantin' me; an* why do they Want me? MRS. MADIGAN. Some poor fella's been found, an* they think it's, it's , . . MRS. BOYLE. Johnny, Johnny! MARY (with her arms round her mother). Oh, mother, mother, me poor, darlin' mother. MRS. BOYLE. Hush, hush, darlin*; you'll shortly have your own throuble to bear. (To MRS. MADIGAN) An' why do the polis think it's Johnny, Mrs. Madigan? MRS. MADIGAN. Because one o* the doctors knew him when he was attendin' with his poor arm. MRS, BOYLE. Oh, it's thrue, then; it's Johnny, it's me son, me own sonl MARY. Oh, it's thrue, it's thrue what Jerry Devine says—there isn't a God, there isn't a God; if there was He wouldn't let these things happen1 MRS. BOYLE. Mary, Mary, you musn't say them things. We'll want all the help we can get from God an' His Blessed Mother nowl These things have nothin' to do with the Will o' God. Ah, what can God do agen the stupidity o' menl MRS. MADIGAN. The polis want you to go with them to the hospital to see the poor body —they're waitin* below. 109